NBPC Statement on the full BPAPRA Implementation

On January 29, 2016, Border Patrol agents began receiving the first paychecks under the recently enacted BPAPRA of 2015.

Many members expressed surprise that this paycheck reflected a decrease in their net pay. Fortunately, most members were aware and prepared, as the Union had been talking with members about this for years — ever since the Office of Special Counsel reports demonstrated abuses in claiming AUO throughout the agency. Continue Reading →

Nationwide Swap Program (NWS) Open Period (February 8 – 29)

The USBP Nationwide Swap Program (NWS) will open on February 8, 2016, at 8:00 am (PST) and will close on February 29, 2016, at 4:00 pm (PST).

Employees will have the ability to submit up to 7 locations from a list of available duty stations. There will be no preference of choice. All choices will be considered as a location the employee is willing to move to. All selections are made on the basis of seniority. Continue Reading →

Summary of CBP’s BPAPRA Directive (NBPC)

On January 10, 2016, CBP will implement the Border Patrol Agent Pay Reform Act (BPAPRA) directive. Although the directive was not fully and completely negotiated with the NBPC, it is important for all agents to be familiar with the content of the CBP directive and the regulations written by the Office of Personnel Management, beginning at 5 CFR 550.1601

Here are some important points from the directive that you should be aware of, as they may have a direct and daily impact on you: Continue Reading →

NBPC Statement on Body Worn Cameras

Despite our best efforts to answer questions posed by reporters and the public, our position on Body Worn Cameras has been misunderstood, or worse yet, misinterpreted to fit a certain narrative. Several media outlets have incorrectly stated that the National Border Patrol Council opposes body worn cameras. This is simply untrue. Continue Reading →